Asking the Guards to Show the Way

As Yun Jian rolled to the side of the two guards soundlessly, she did not retrieve the butterfly knife she had between her teeth but stood herself behind them.

Since the dungeon was underground, there was no sunlight all year long. The walkways were only lit up by fluorescent lights.

Although Yun Jian was quiet, her shadow could be seen on the floor from the lighting.

The guards' backs were against Yun Jian but when they saw that there was another petite shadow in front of them aside from their own shadows, they jumped in horror.

After all, there had to be noises if someone were to approach them in such a quiet environment.

Both guards were well aware that the captives had to unlock the security lock if they ever wanted to escape the jail. If they pressed on the lock thrice but still did not manage to unlock it, the system would trigger the alarm.