Meeting Brother Xiong Again. His Crude Jokes

Yun Jian did not understand Wang Cancan's feelings nor did she know how to comfort someone. She left after sending both Wang Cancan and Lu Feiyan back to school.

Before she left, Lu Feiyan thanked her on behalf of Wang Cancan who was still in a daze, "Xiao Jian, if it weren't for you today… really, I wouldn't know what to do…"

"As long as everyone's fine," Yun Jian replied.

"Mn! I'll help Cancan back to the dorm first. Drive slow when you go back, don't let the traffic police catch you!" Lu Feiyan told Yun Jian softly since the latter was driving underage.

"Mn." Yun Jian nodded and went back to the Lamborghini sports car, leaving only after she watched Lu Feiyan enter the school ground holding Wang Cancan.

Yun Jian received a call on the way back. It was from Xu Zetian.

Yun Jian currently ran both the legal and illegal businesses. The legal one was her company, New Cruise, while the illegal one was her gang, Falcon Hall.