The sports car from Chapter 2013. It belonged to her man

Yun Jian took the medal and held it in her hand. She looked at the six members of team king looking at her with excitement.

Yun Jian suddenly smiled.

There was a kind of friendship called ‘comrades’. No matter where you were, there would always be people who were proud of you and regarded you as their faith!

Then, in front of Song Yu and the others who were so shocked that they could not close their mouths, Yun Jian raised a red arc and looked at Chu Ning, Liu Shiyun and the others:

“Number 006, codename Asura. After two years, please return to the team!”

This voice was like a loud and energetic soldier, resounding throughout the whole place.

The voice had infinite magic, as if it could make song Yu, Mo Lianhua, and the rest see the world where the blade could see blood.

It was a world that was naturally different from their ordinary university students!

It was a height that ordinary university students could never reach in their entire lives!