Chapter 2041 touching her buttocks was only a one-time thing

Previously, Gu Nianzhi had accidentally thrown herself into Linong’s arms, and had even thrown linong to the ground. She had sat on his lap.

Linong had never felt the touch of that flesh before.

So, without Gu Nianzhi’s reaction or even noticing, linong reached out and held her buttocks by her waist with both hands. He touched them and felt the sensation of a woman’s flesh.

Linong liked this touch so much that he wandered around the hotel for a few days. Today, he finally saw Gu Nianzhi. Just as he saw her, she suddenly ran into his arms again. Her fleshy breasts and seductive figure.., linong gulped.

That was why linong, who was well-dressed, could not help but ask this question.

“I like it very much. Can you give me another touch?”

In the past, Li Nong had walked along the same path as the gods of the God continent.

However, Li Nong’s talent was high, and his status was low. The gods never gave him face, and they didn’t even want to talk to him.