Chapter 2069: paper-cutting by hand

Of course, Liu Ying was not the only one who was shivering in the cold. A large group of children in the classroom were all wearing thin clothes that could not even warm them up.

At that time, every child maintained the same movement, which was to flip through the colorful textbooks in their hands and refused to let go.

These textbooks were bought by a few universities in Jiang City for a donation event. They were brought to the poor mountain area of Wuzhen to be given to these poor children.

The children had never seen colorful textbooks before. At this moment, they were so excited that they didn’t even want to raise their heads.

“The big sister and Big Brother who gave us the colorful textbooks are here!”Yun Jian had just walked into the classroom, and even the teacher standing on the podium didn’t notice her and Liang Xiumin’s arrival, “Yun Jian!”A naughty little boy suddenly shouted.