Chapter 2191: Thunderstorm spoke, testing the cloud paper

Seeing that thunderstorm looked at the cloud paper and actually asked such a question, everyone present was stunned.

“What? Thunderstorm, have you met her before?”When grandfather GE heard this, he was also stunned and then spoke.

Thunderstorm was a frequent guest of the Ge family.

Although thunderstorm was the captain of the Berserk Army of the international gale mercenary group, his father had a very good relationship with grandfather Ge. When he was alive, Thunderstorm’s father often came to the Ge family.

Now that thunderstorm’s father had passed away, thunderstorm remembered his father, so he imitated his father’s habits. As long as the gale mercenary group was fine, he would come to Ge family.

“It looks very familiar...”thunderstorm frowned and replied.

After thunderstorm said this, before the cloud memo could say anything, GE Ling had already opened his mouth in front of everyone. Before he spoke, he pointed at the cloud memo: