Chapter 2303: an egg retching again

After the magnetic and mellow male voice, which was so rich that it was impossible to find another male voice in this world, was heard, accompanied by a “Chi Chi Chi”sound.

Everyone saw that after the long and slender palm covered boji’s head, it actually crushed Boji’s head in front of everyone present. It was exactly the same as when a mosquito was crushed to death, and the blood inside the mosquito’s body splattered out!

Boji’s head was like a mosquito being crushed to death, instantly turning into a pool of blood!

His body was still there, but his head instantly exploded into a pool of blood.

When this scene happened in front of everyone’s eyes, it caused everyone’s hearts to suddenly tremble.

This change happened suddenly. It was so fast that even boji himself never expected that someone would appear behind him.

Moreover, after this person covered the top of his head with his hand, he actually crushed his own head!