The signature of chapter 2509 was very similar

Long Xinyan said this very loudly, as if she was afraid that the people from the martial arts club standing next to her couldn’t hear her loud voice.

Long Xinyan’s lobster club was indeed very powerful. The martial arts club that won first place in the Zhejiang martial arts competition was certainly powerful, not much weaker.

“Sister Xinyan, so you know that Judge? The one who saw Sha Shen’s real face!”A female member of the Lobster Club looked at long xinyan with excitement and caution and asked.

Long Xinyan saw the members of the shrine and the martial arts club looking at her. She pursed her lips and said confidently, “Of course!”

In fact, Long Xin Yan had gone to a ball organized by the Bailey family with her parents a few years ago. She had seen Bailey from a great distance just like this time.

In fact, she had never had the chance to talk to Bailey before.

However, it was enough for her to brag in front of other students like her.