I Know How to Fight

In the northern suburbs of the capital at a nameless care facility.

The facility was ranked by the World Medical Association half a year ago as the care facility with the world's best equipment.

The fee for just one month of treatment could reach as high as 10 million. It was an extremely high nursing fee.

There was a flower shop by the entrance and a small pot cactus cost 18,000.

Gu Mang held up a palm-sized cactus and tilted her head to take a look.

It sure cost quite a lot for such a small item.

She raised an eyebrow, put one hand in the pocket of her jacket, and walked steadily into the care facility.

The design of the interior of the care facility had a rural flair. Each of the residents lived in a detached bamboo house.

It was a picturesquely chaotic arrangement. It had a flower garden, a vegetable garden, wooden fences draped with Japanese roses, and pebble walkways between each section.