Gu Mang, Don't Be Rash

All the teachers sitting in the staffroom frowned. This was humiliation. The last place in Class One could probably score higher than the entirety of Class Twenty. Luo Songhua was practically digging a hole for Xi Yan and her students to jump into. Chu Yao and Fatty were also silent, not daring to speak.

If this were a fight, they would join in without a second thought but this was an academic competition. They didn't even understand the material. How were they to beat Class One? Were they supposed to cheat? It would be even more humiliating if they were caught doing so.

Meng Jinyang clenched her fists tightly and looked at Gu Mang, asking a question with her eyes.

Gu Mang shook her head at her.

"How about that, Lu Yang? Don't you want me to apologize to Gu Mang? I'll give you this chance. Does Class Twenty dare?" Luo Songhua said, her expression arrogant.