They Have to be Expelled!

Xi Yan frowned and stared at Luo Songhua icily. "Why should my students be expelled without rhyme or reason?"

"Why?" Luo Songhua sneered coldly and said sharply, "Because they cheated! Not only should they be expelled, you, as their form teacher, should not be spared either! I want to ask why you, a teacher, would help your students to cheat!"

Rage rose in Xi Yan's chest immediately. In an icy tone, she said, "What do you mean by that, Ms. Luo? Are you saying that I leaked the questions to Meng Jinyang and Shen Huan?

"What other explanation is there? Shen Huan ranked 300th on last week's tests. Ms. Xi's teaching methods must be superb if she can get her student to rank up from the bottom of the cohort to the157th place in five days!" Luo Songhua said viciously. "This would be impossible to achieve unless she cheated."