Dangerous Yet Fascinating

From a distance, Jiang Shenyuan observed her pretty, stony face, and said, "Alright then, when your university entrance exams are over we'll have a celebration with you and Jinyang."

Gu Mang cocked her eyebrow. "I'm going."

He watched as the girl turned and left. She walked as though she were ignoring him.

Jiang Shenyuan stood at the door of the staff room, one hand in his pocket, watching in amazement.

So dangerous yet fascinating.


In the second period of night self-learning, Gu Mang appeared in the classroom. The only students left were the students living on campus.

As soon as she stepped into the classroom, all eyes were upon her.

Seeing that she had returned, Meng Jinyang's eyes lit up. Watching her take her seat, she went over to her cautiously. Gu Mang was very tired and wanted to sleep. Meng Jinyang came over and saw her take out a cushion and put on headphones. Meng Jinyang came to sit beside her.