You Have the Face to Come to Such a Place?

Jiang Shenyuan stifled his laughter. "No wonder you asked me to attend a parent-teacher meeting with you and Jinyang. They are so far apart that it will not affect the signing."

Gu Mang raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, right, how did Jinyang do on her exams this time?" Lu Shangjin asked.

Before Meng Jinyang could open her mouth, Lu Yang spoke first, enunciating every word, "First in our year."

Lu Shangjin was slightly surprised and he shot a glance towards Gu Mang. He then said amicably, "Jinyang has scored well. Keep up the good work."

Meng Jinyang smiled humbly.

Lu Chengzhou picked up a piece of brown sugar glutinous rice with the serving chopsticks and gave it to Gu Mang. In a low, magnetic voice, he said, "It's very troublesome for one person to attend a parent-teacher meeting for two people. Coincidentally, free tomorrow."

A bunch of people looked towards Lu Chengzhou. What was that supposed to mean?!