F*ck! What a Damaging Blow!

Wiping Meng Jinyang's case had taken a lot of effort. She had even destroyed all the newspapers on the streets. Now, because of what the Ruans did, it forced Meng Jinyang to relive her past.

It would be hard to conceal the truth now that more than two thousand parents knew about it. Who could guarantee they would not speak about it in the future even if they could be kept quiet now?

Year Three would last a year. Starting from today, Meng Jinyang's peaceful life was gone and rumors would increase. Gu Mang's hard work over the years had been wasted!

F*ck! What a damaging blow!

Lin Shuang had a bad temper and wanted to bomb the Ruans' company building.

Gu Mang brought a cigarette to her pretty lips, looking like a raw gangster as she sparked the lighter. "There's no need. The Ruans won't let Gu Yin off like this."