Your Apprentice Fired His Apprentice

Gu Mang rested her chin on her cool and fair wrist as she looked at the blackboard nonchalantly. The Mathematics teacher, Chen Bo, was talking about the last question on the exam paper last week. When he accidentally exchanged glances with Gu Mang's beautiful dark eyes, he felt upset.

Why did such a pretty young lady meet with such bad luck? It was okay even if she didn't know how to solve the math problem. But how was it that she couldn't even get a single question correct on the multiple-choice questions? Did she dip her hands into a nest of bad luck?

If he took this wretch to win-loss betting, he would be rich overnight. He would simply bet against Gu Mang. He heard that Gu Mang managed to answer one question right on the Chemistry exam, compared to the previous monthly examination.