Are you disowning your parents once you have become promising?!

Meng Jun and Wang Yafang beamed with joy instantly.

After shooting each other a look, Meng Jun asked, "Just say how much. We can still afford tens of thousands of yuan."

Gu Mang sneered, "Tens of thousands? Her surgery alone cost me more than four million yuan. Are you paying by cash or card?"

The couple's faces changed. "What?! Four million?"

They had never seen so much money in their whole lives! Was Gu Mang trying to cheat them?! They decided to get the reporters to expose Gu Mang. She would likely let Jinyang follow them back. The scheming look in their eyes was obvious.

Gu Mang crossed her legs and her dark eyes stared at them cynically as she said lazily, "I have the bills here. Don't forget that you guys left Meng Jinyang in the lurch for the past decade. It's only reasonable for me to get the money back. You guys are family, after all, right?"

The girl emphasized each word. Her smile was both icy and devilish.