He Would Be Able to Retaliate; He Meant It!

"If you want to be with my sister you'll have to treat her better than I do!" Gu Si restrained a smile as he fixed his clear eyes on him, his eyes cold. "You cannot make her angry and you cannot bully her."

Lu Chengzhou hummed in assent and his cool features did not betray any of his thoughts. He said in a low voice, "Got it."

"Don't just 'get it'." Gu Si was still staring at him with a grave expression. "I'm in training and I will be leaving tomorrow. I know you're an influential person and that you've been appointed as the successor of the Lu family. However, the Lu family is nothing in my eyes. If I find that you've bullied my sister, I will definitely not let you go."

Lu Chengzhou looked at him.

The kid spoke slowly and forcefully. His eyes were quite fierce and he looked like a stubborn and unruly wolf.

He was very similar to Gu Mang, certainly as arrogant as her.