Making False Counter-charges

Hearing Gu Mang's words, Zhou Xintang's pupils constricted as she stared at Gu Mang. Did she really have evidence? Her heart could not help but thump wildly.

Gu Mang's clean finger tapped on the handrail as she spoke nonchalantly, "Lan Ting's new collection features the 'Twelve Legends of Vientiane' series. The reason the press conference for the collection's release has been delayed for so long is because the design for the last piece that represents the three stars isn't completed yet. The piece right before your eyes is the flawed design of the last 'Vientiane Three Stars.'"

The twelve ornaments were the sun, moon, three stars, sacred mountains, dragon, pheasant, two cups, algae, fire, grains, axe, and figure. Although the three stars' concept was simple, it was significantly more challenging than the others when it came to coming up with a stunning design. Gu Mang had rejected several versions of the design in the past.