What a Way to Handle Matters

The voice was low, hoarse, and wrapped in coldness. It made people subconsciously feel like they were in danger. Everyone turned their heads.

A few men walked in from outside.

The man at the front was dressed in a black casual outfit and he had a black long trench coat on the outside. He had a handsome and tall stature and his legs were long and straight. He had a strong aura as well. His facial features were clear and he was biting his thin lips which were curling up in a manner that made it look like he was smiling. It made him look scarily fierce.

Xi Yan knew this man. He had come to Gu Mang's parent-teacher meeting. He was also in the parents' group chat for their class but had never spoken a word. The others looked at this charming man and tried to figure out who he was.

Seeing Lu Shangjin, Wu Luo's eyes moved away from Xi Yan and he walked over. In a respectful manner, he said, "Director Lu."