10 Years Ago; Seven Years Old? Year Three?

Leader Liu stared at Xi Yan. "We've given her a chance but she didn't take it."

Xi Yan knew that Gu Mang's temper was terrible and that she usually did not respond normally.

Pursing her lips, she said, "Let me persuade her."

Leader Liu remained silent.

Xi Yan bowed slightly with gratitude and turned towards Gu Mang. "Gu Mang, re-do the paper, will you? If you finish it, you'll be innocent."

"I've already passed the National Joint Exam so I won't sit for the exam again." Gu Mang had no expression on her face.

"You didn't even sit for the National Joint Exam." The person from the Ministry of Education looked at her with a smile that was not quite a smile. He patted the documents which detailed her past results. "Other than this exam, you used to score zeroes for everything."

The chilliness and annoyance in Gu Mang's eyes were about to gush out as her patience ran thin. She lifted her bloodshot eyes and just as she was about to speak,