Enemies Often Cross Paths

Seeing that, Missing Gateway quickly said, "Ms. Gu, you can head to the training ground first. I will come to consult with you when you are free."

Gu Mang hummed an acknowledgement rather expressionlessly and nodded politely. Then, she continued walking.

Missing Gateway looked at Gu Mang's back and sighed in awe. That big boss's talents are terrifying!

Shadow League.

Yun Ling and Lin Shuang were silent as they watched the rising stock market of Country K on the computer screen. The digital currency stolen from the BESE had been recovered in less than five minutes. Many stock exchange markets were unable to recover for months after facing an attack. As for the BESE, they had already restored order and the other affected countries were also recovering gradually. Despite their massive attack, the hackers had hardly made a dent.

The IPs of the hackers who had attacked the BESE had already been logged. Interpol had already been dispatched.