Instant Victory, Believe It or Not

He Yidu and Qin Fang were in the medical room. Digital equipment and computers had been moved into it. They had a live feed of the surveillance room on screen.

At 6am, the sky had just started to brighten. The assessment was about to begin. The surveillance room was already connected to provide live footage of Gu Mang and the seven students, including Gu Si. Silence's identity was already known by the entire surveillance team. Word had traveled fast.

At the moment, all eyes were on her. She had a rather slim figure. She wore a mask and a hat so her face could not be seen.

Before the official assessment, they would announce the various segments of the oncoming assessment. They waited for a whole two minutes but she did not move.

Slowly, their attention began to move away from Gu Mang.

Someone asked, "Why isn't Silence announcing the assessment segments and criteria yet?"