I Won With Sexual Attractiveness?

Gu Mang wiped his face very slowly, as if he were drawing his eyes. She did not use too much force, making sure to use just enough. It was ticklish and alluring.

Lu Chengzhou's jaw tightened and his Adam's apple rolled. His eyelashes trembled slightly. He was really asking for trouble…

Gu Mang wiped his straight nose and suddenly said slowly, "Oh, Yu Mufeng."

When she said that, Lu Chengzhou's attention was attracted by her voice. He opened his black eyes and they met with hers. His reflection was in the girl's clear eyes and her expression was as nonchalant as ever.

After Gu Mang wiped her face, she grabbed him by the chin and stared at him with a serious look.

After a few seconds, she spat out the four words, "Well, I'm not blind."

The jealousy is quite strong.

Lu Chengzhou didn't understand it at first, but when he recalled what she said, he laughed and his chest rose and fell slightly.