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Ten minutes later, Fang Siyu returned. The staff smiled and said that her performance was not bad. The fear that Yao Ling had suppressed for ten minutes turned into anger.

She stood up suddenly and looked at the staff. "Hello, I suspect that I've been a victim of professional sabotage. Someone drugged me so that I couldn't perform! This happened at your company!"

Yao Ling raised her voice because she was angry. Her voice sounded hoarse and sharp. Everyone in the lounge was taken aback and looked at her in disbelief.

Her voice…

The staff was taken aback and did not respond.

Yao Ling took a deep breath as she tried to suppress her anger. She tried her best to not lose her manners. "Sorry, I was a little out of control but vocals are important to people who are in the voice acting industry."

The staff snapped back to reality and looked at her. "You're saying that someone drugged you?"