You Are Not Allowed To Take The Exams Because You Are Too Intelligent.

When Yu Mufeng heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched. His father, the head of the neurological department of the medical organization, and a veteran, all had to call this little Grandmaster "Master."

This Grandmaster's relatives were rather stupid for not knowing how to curry favor with her.

Gu Si rolled his eyes and continued, "Is there really a need for this?"

His phone rang for a while and stopped. After a few seconds, it began vibrating again. Gu Si ignored it and threw his phone on the desk.

I have to take the university entrance exams, ain't nobody got time for this.

Gu Mang stayed at the medical research lab for ten days.

The weather was beginning to turn warm.

Almost all major news, hot topics and searches were stating: 3 Days to the University Entrance Exams.

The medical research lab.