I Don't Hit Harshly or Lightly

Sang Xue turned and saw her cousin Yi Chen walk over. She pursed her lips and remained silent.

Yi Chen's eyes fell on Gu Mang's face and he recalled the fight that they had back then. His body stiffened a little. Gu Mang stood lazily, without moving her eyes. She took out the cigarette case from her pocket, bit one, lit the lighter, and then dropped her hand down with the cigarette between her fingers.

She slowly looked up at the group of people across from her. "Watch your mouth and don't mess with me. I don't hit lightly."

When Sang Xue heard her obnoxious and wild words, her face throbbed in pain. Fury and hatred filled up her eyes.

The people who recognized Gu Mang stared at her blankly, unable to return to their senses. After Gu Mang finished speaking, she turned and walked slowly to the parking lot.

She no longer wore a mask. She looked cold and arrogant and her appearance was extremely eye-catching.