Tsk. What a Jealous Lover He Is.

Sheng Ting's new song was of a completely different style this time as compared to his usual style. The song included dark and mysterious elements. It sounded much classier than his standard fare. After listening to it once, Gu Mang looked up and asked Lu Chengzhou, "Do you have any dance studios?"

He clenched his jaw as he recalled the image of his fiancée dancing together with the idol during the MV shoot. It took him a moment to respond to her question. "Yes, on the third floor."

She lifted an eyebrow in surprise. "Oh."

"Are you intending to appear in another MV?" he asked calmly.

As Gu Mang replayed the song, she gave him a concise reply. "No, I'm just working on the choreography."