No One’s Ever Dared To Lay Claim on My Things

After her shower, Gu Mang came out of the bathroom while drying her hair with a towel. Lu Chengzhou was in the middle of a phone call. His thin lips were pressed together and his expression was grave. "Master Bi said that the piece was composed by Gu Yin?"

His hand rested on the kitchen counter, his fingers drumming against it. In front of it was an opened packet of noodles. It appeared as if he had been preparing to cook noodles but got interrupted by a phone call. His intimidating aura permeated the entire open kitchen and the atmosphere became even colder when the person on the other end said something to him.

"Who paid for the trending topic?" When he looked up and saw his fiancée standing nearby, he recomposed himself and approached her, the iciness in his eyes fading away.