Have Fun on Your Own. I'm Not Free.

After chatting with Lu Chengzhou for a while, Gu Mang ended the call and headed back into the dorm while checking her messages and selectively replying to some. Just then, her phone vibrated in her hand. It was a message from Shen Xie and it read, [Arctic Fox, the He Corporation found themselves an IT expert and stole a project from us. There's another contract we can bid for that will be announced soon. Can you do me a favor?]

She typed, [I'm only responsible for your security system.]

[This is an urgent matter. The contract is very important to the company. You can feel free to state your price], replied Shen Xie.

She lifted her eyebrow, tilted her head, and typed carelessly, [Have fun on your own. I'm not free.] She then ignored the question mark he sent her in response.