There Are Two Sides To Everything. Let's See Who Plays It Better!

Sang Xue scoffed. "With the Lu family backing Gu Mang up, how could Qin Yaozhi dare to offend her when the Qin family is dependent on the Lu family?"

Pursing her lips, Shen Qianzi narrowed her cold eyes slightly. If it weren't for Lu Chengzhou, the university wouldn't have dared to publish the matter on their forum and my brother wouldn't have forced me to make a public apology on Weibo. I also wouldn't have been subject to criticism by the public.

Upon recalling Gu Mang's relationship with Meng Jinyang, as well as Jiang Shenyuan's attitude toward Meng Jinyang, Sang Xue tightened her grip on the books she was carrying. Did Brother Jiang Shenyuan treat Meng Jinyang so well because of Gu Mang's relationship with Lu Chengzhou?