Cover Up The Shortcomings! Brother Cheng: I'm Marrying Her Next Time!

Liang Qingru was silent. Just then, the school bell rang. Liang Qingru's eyelashes trembled when she heard the bell.

Yi Chen turned and glanced at the students who were rushing towards the classroom. "Mom, I've got to get to class."

It had been a few minutes since he had hung up.

Liang Qingru stayed on the stairs the whole time, stiff.

The Shen Residence.

"They just led Red Scorpion straight into the Sang family's house and beat Sang Xue up?" Mr. Shen looked up at Shen Xie, who was eating a meal while seated across from him.

Shen Xie ate his porridge slowly and answered, "A servant from the Sang family said that they went into Sang Xue's room and grabbed her from her bed. Gu Mang beat the girl up personally. She was beaten unconscious."

Mr. Shen was rather surprised. "Gu Mang is so young, I didn't expect her to be so merciless."

"Mercy?" Shen Xie looked at Mr. Shen and sniggered. "The entire Sang Group is finished."