The Difference In Attitude Towards Gu Mang and Gu Yin Was Like Heaven and Earth!

Bai Zhang tilted his head and introduced them to Gu Yin. "These are your cousins Bai Yan and Bai Feichi."

Gu Yin greeted them politely. "Hello, cousins."

The two smiled at Gu Yin.

Bai Zhang took Gu Yin to Old Master Bai. "Dad, I bumped into Gu Yin at the entrance."

Old Master Bai looked Gu Yin over. He gave off the aura of someone who had held high ranking positions for many years in the past. One look from him could make anyone feel anxious.

Gu Yin pinched her fingers. "Grandpa."

Old Master Bai did not acknowledge her words. He only asked, "Why didn't you come with Gu Mang?"

Bai Zhang answered for Gu Yin.

"Gu Mang and Lu Chengzhou should be coming soon."

Old Master Bai looked at Gu Yin. "Did Gu Mang ask you to come on your own?"

Every single sentence that he spoke involved Gu Mang. Gu Yin clenched her fists.