To Hell With That!

The light in the hallway was slightly brighter than the light in the room, so the shock displayed on Yu Mufeng's face was easy to see as he stared wide-eyed at Gu Mang.

There was a cold glint in Gu Mang's narrowed eyes that gave him the chills. One look from her was enough to send him gasping for breath and the rest of his words thus got stuck in his throat.

Gone was her usual lazy and nonchalant demeanor. It was replaced with a threatening and hostile look.

This was the first time Yu Mufeng had been on the receiving end of such a look from Gu Mang and he had the feeling that he might not get to live to see tomorrow if he even said just one more word. His grip on the doorknob tightened when he realized that his guess was not far from the truth.

The three second long staredown felt like it lasted for over a century.