Live At The Assessment Venue! Killer Alliance Appears Again!

At the observation deck.

The door was pushed open by two subordinates. Then they stood respectfully on both sides. Everyone inside looked over. The Head Elder and a man entered together. Behind them, there was a group of subordinates.

The man looked good and his eyes were faintly brown. There was a dense chilly atmosphere around him and his eyes looked cold and distant. It was as if he looked down on everything.

Most of the people there did not know him. From the aura that he gave off, he was surely not a small fry. Most importantly, this was the first time an outsider had appeared at Base 102.

How could outsiders be brought into Base 102?! The group of people frowned with serious looks on their faces.

Most of the people in the Elders' Association and the leaders of the four big family clans were very familiar to the man.