Tch, He’s Got Some Nerve to Come In Here.

The news completely blew He Yidu away. While staring unblinkingly at Lu Zhan, he quickly processed this information in his head. Is that why Uncle Lu came over looking for Brother Cheng? So the reason why Gu Si wanted to come to Red Flame to kill Brother Cheng but ended up messing with the technical team was because Gu Mang… is pregnant? If that's the case, then everything makes sense now. But Brother Cheng didn't seem to know why Gu Si flew into such a huge rage when he told us about it… Is he… unaware of this matter? He doesn't know that Gu Mang is pregnant despite staying by her side all this while?

Meanwhile, Lu Yī and the rest stood still like wooden blocks with their eyes wide open. Ms. Gu is pregnant?!

Lu Zhan fumed. "He's right by her side, yet he still allowed her to go take the assessment?"