Would I Fail?

When Lu Chengzhou returned, it was already late in the middle of the night.

Almost everyone except those on the night shift were asleep. They bowed to the man respectfully.

When Lu Qi saw the silver suitcase in Lu Chengzhou's hand, he looked down. "Young Master Lu."

The villa was different from outside. The temperature was slightly higher inside.

Lu Chengzhou reached up to unbutton his collar, "Did Gu Mang eat well at night?"

"Pretty well." Lu Qi answered, "There aren't any bad reactions from Ms. Gu."

Lu Chengzhou nodded and went upstairs.

"Young Master Lu," Lu Qi called him suddenly and stepped forward. When he turned around, he said respectfully. "Ms. Gu's godfather came to visit her last night."

Lu Chengzhou looked at him and asked in confusion. "Godfather?"

"Yes." Lu Qi answered, "But it's pretty strange. Even Young Master Gu had no idea that Ms. Gu had a godfather."