Gu Mang: Don't Make Me Do It On My Own

At the Elders' Association Council House.

Everyone in the secretarial department was waiting for Gu Mang on the first floor.

The girl got out of the car dressed in her iconic full-black outfit and baseball cap.

She looked out of tune with the people dressed in suits and dress shoes in the Elders' Association Council House.

When she arrived, everyone from the secretarial department flocked over to welcome her as she walked towards the elevator.

Everyone had their own part to be responsible for.

They told Gu Mang about all the things that they needed her to make decisions for, one by one.

And also her agenda for the day.

The group of people have received professional training so even though they spoke very quickly, they were very clear.

There were so much work to talk about that when she entered the lift, they were not done.