Falling Out

The cold-blooded subordinates stared wide-eyed at Brahma, their eyes filled with disbelief as if they could hardly believe their ears. One of them asked, "W-what did you say, Boss? Suppress… all of God Ji's forces?"

"Keep an eye on Red Flame and the Black Market," ordered Brahma as he squinted his eyes. It'll be too late for Lu Chengzhou to do anything by the time I finish weakening Gu Mang's forces. Moreover, Jijing Island will help restrain them. With 20% of Red Flame's territory on Mingyu Island in my hands and enlisting the help of the other mafia forces, that should be enough to deal with Gu Mang.

From Brahma's expression, the subordinates knew that he wasn't joking. They were all stiff with shock, but upon receiving a look from him, they quickly snapped out of it and respectfully answered him with a nod. "Yes."