Is Princess Xixi That Eager to Get Married to Me?

Lin Shuang had mixed blood, so her features had hints of oriental beauty; she looked slightly more delicate compared to the people of Country D.

The Deiss family, on the other hand, were all pure-blooded. They all had big eyes, a high nose bridge, and a typical exotic face.

The Deiss family was huge, and the veranda was crowded with people.

While Lin Shuang was looking for a man in the crowd that matched the looks of her fiancé, she saw someone at the back of the crowd slowly look up; his face entered her line of sight.

The man wasn't wearing glasses, so his features were fully exposed. His pretty and alluring eyes were staring straight at her.

He Yidu?! That idiot really came all the way here?! What exactly does he want to do?! Lin Shuang's eyes bulged, and her facial muscles twitched as she instinctively stopped breathing out of shock.

Just then, Madam André led her entire family down the stairs to welcome them.