Country D’s Political Reshuffle!

The black motorcade parked neatly in front of the main building of the President's House.

He Yidu walked over, his voice raspy and low. "Brother Cheng."

Standing in front of the car, Lu Chengzhou frowned when he didn't find Gu Si among the crowd. He asked coldly, "Where's Gu Si?"

He Yidu answered, "He went to the guest room to rest after lunch. Elder Bai went up and called him."

The moment Qin Fang got out of the car and saw He Yidu's face, he stretched his neck out and widened his eyes in shock. "He Yidu, you…"

He Yidu didn't manage to sleep well the night before, so his eyes were bloodshot. It was obvious that he was in a foul mood.

This was exactly why Lu Chengzhou, Qin Fang, and He Yidu never showed up in political gatherings. Their presence represented their influence and country. A lot of times, they had no choice but to take the big picture into consideration as there were a lot of things to take into consideration.