Extra - Yuan Yang (Part Two)

It was already late afternoon when Meng Jinyang arrived at Ming City, and it was pouring rain there.

Lu San, who came to the airport to fetch Meng Jinyang and Lu Qi, drove them to the neighborhood where Principal Fu lived. The latter was currently waiting at the entrance with Wu Luo, each sheltering themselves with a black umbrella.

The sound of the rain and splashing made by the car was noisy and annoying.

When a car gradually came to a stop near them, Principal Fu squinted his eyes and looked hard in the direction, only to see the car door open and Meng Jinyang getting out of it. He immediately went up to welcome her. "Jinyang."

Meng Jinyang opened her umbrella. The raindrops were really loud, and she raised her voice a little to ask, "Principal Fu, Officer Wu, what are you two doing out here when it's raining so heavily?"

However, Principal Fu only said, "Let's head indoors first."