The End (Lu Guixin Part 26)

Upon hearing that Lu Guixin's father would only arrive in the late evening, Zhou Fu didn't feel so nervous anymore. He then started car engine and drove to Starlight Plaza, where he brought Lu Guixin to a newly opened restaurant that specialized in fish.

A fragrant spicy scent could be smelled the moment they reached the entrance of the shop. Lu Guixin's eyes lit up immediately as she pulled Zhou Fu inside.

After sitting down at a table, Zhou Fu watched Lu Guixin, who was focused on ordering the dishes on a tablet. Upon recalling how stern her father had sounded on the line just now, he asked, "Aren't you worried that your father's going to deal with you?"

Lu Guixin handed the tablet back to the waiter once she was done ordering and then gave the question a serious thought. "My dad said that he was going to break my boyfriend's legs if I turn out to be dating."

Zhou Fu didn't catch that the first time. "Break whose legs?"