It was already four-thirty in the afternoon. School had ended for the preschool children, and only the parents of kindergarten children were still assembled at the gates waiting.
Cheng Zhiyan made a detour around those people and headed straight into the school.
Step by step, Xia Feng followed close behind him.
Cheng Zhiyan had just arrived at the door of the preschool class, but he didn't even have a chance to reach out and push it open before he heard running footsteps approaching. Xiaotu rushed out and jumped into Cheng Zhiyan's arms as she exclaimed in high spirits, "Brother Orange Juice, you're here."
"Uh-huh." The expression on Cheng Zhiyan's face instantly became more gentle, and he stooped down to pat Xiaotu's fluffy little head. Then he asked in a soft voice, "Did you behave well at school today?"
"Yes! The teacher even praised me today." Xiaotu gazed at Cheng Zhiyan with a proud expression as she answered in a loud voice.
Cheng Zhiyan couldn't help but burst out laughing.
The teacher, who'd been sitting in the classroom, lifted her head up and glanced at Cheng Zhiyan. Then she asked with a mirthful expression, "Here to pick up your girlfriend?"
"..." That instantly wiped the smile off Cheng Zhiyan's face.
"Girlfriend?? She's your girlfriend?" Xia Feng immediately asked in a gossipy tone, as he poked his head out from behind Cheng Zhiyan to take a look at Xiaotu, who only came up to his waist.
"No." Cheng Zhiyan stood up, holding Xiaotu's hand. He bid the teacher good-bye and left directly.
"Huh, but that teacher said just now that she was your girlfriend." Xia Feng quickly followed close behind Cheng Zhiyan and Xiaotu, continuing to ask questions relentlessly. "There's no way that teacher would lie. Cheng Zhiyan, be honest with me, is this little midget really your girlfriend?"
"What midget? I'm not a midget. I am Xiaotu." As she stood beside Cheng Zhiyan holding his hand, Xiaotu lifted up her little head up to respond to that rude Xia Feng.
With an amused expression on his face, Xia Feng stooped down and spoke to Xiaotu. "Hee, hee, hee,...Xiaotu, huh...are you his girlfriend?"
"Yes, I am." Xiaotu nodded vehemently and gave an immediate response.
"Then is the older brother standing beside you your boyfriend?" Xia Feng continued asking Xiaotu questions with a mischievous smirk on his face.
"Yes, he is." Xiaotu continued to respond in a loud voice.
"I see…" Xia Feng stood up and gazed at Cheng Zhiyan with an innocent expression on his face as he said, "So, there are already two people who have confirmed this. It's no use denying it any further, Cheng Zhiyan."
"..." Cheng Zhiyan stared at Xia Feng with a dumbfounded expression, and then he made a detour around him.
"No way. You have to answer my question, Cheng Zhiyan." Xia Feng stood in front of Cheng Zhiyan, blocking his escape. "If you don't answer me, I'll tell your girlfriend that someone wrote a love letter to you."
Xiaotu grabbed Cheng Zhiyan's hand and blinked her huge eyes as she gazed at the strange older brother who was blocking their way home. She then proceeded to ask in bewilderment, "Brother Orange Juice, what is a love letter?"
"Hee, hee, hee, little bombshell, a love letter is something used by other girls to express their love for your boyfriend and to tell him that they want him to be their boyfriend." Xia Feng spoke to Xiaotu gleefully. "In simpler terms, they're basically trying to steal your boyfriend."
"No, Brother Orange Juice is mine." Xiaotu used both hands to cling to Cheng Zhiyan's arm for dear life. She glared at the strange older brother who was blocking the road with an extremely alarmed expression.