Successful rescue

Jiang nuanxia pointed at the beggar and said, " come over here and take good care of this little girl. She's still a Virgin with a delicate body. You have to take care of her.

A beggar with a dark face and a Hunchback whose age could not be seen was the first to walk up, rubbing his hands with a lecherous smile. He circled around ronnuo, and the stench on his body made ronnuo want to vomit.

Rong nuo resisted the urge to vomit and sternly said, " if you touch me, you'll be dead. You won't live to see tomorrow.

He drooled as he extended his dirty hands towards rongruo."I haven't touched a woman for ten years. If I can sleep with a little girl like you, even if I die, it'll be worth it. Hahaha Yingluo."

those disgusting hands tore off ronnuo's clothes. she did not cry, she did not close her eyes, even if she was on the verge of despair.