Greedy for his warmth

It was because her relationship with Liancheng Yazhi had been so good recently that it had deviated from the original intention of their money and sex trade.

This was a danger alert for Rong Yan. She was greedy for the warmth that Liancheng Yazhi gave her, which was an extremely dangerous and addictive thing.

Therefore, she had to get rid of all the seeds that shouldn't have sprouted before she made a complete mistake.

Since Liancheng Yazhi did not mention the termination of the contract, then she would do it.

After lying on the ground for more than half an hour, Rong Yan felt cold. She got up and threw herself hard on the bed. She pulled up the quilt to wrap her body and turned over to sleep.

since you've already done it, don't regret it.

He would only know the result tomorrow.
