Young master ya is in danger

Thinking of this, she actually felt a little happy in her heart. Rong Yan Ran to open the door without even wearing slippers.

When he opened the door, he saw Secretary Zhou standing outside. Her hair was messy, she was sweating profusely, her tie was crooked, and her glasses were about to fall off.

Rong Yan was shocked. Secretary Zhou always gave her the feeling that he was calm and composed, always wearing a suit and not even a strand of hair was messy when he killed someone. This was the first time she had seen him so flustered.

rong yan suddenly had a bad feeling. something big must have happened. otherwise, secretary zhou wouldn't be like this. she quickly asked,"Secretary Zhou, what are you doing here? What happened?"

"miss rong, i don't have time to explain to you. follow me." Secretary Zhou pulled Rong Yan and ran out.

Rong Yan was dragged downstairs by Secretary Zhou in her pajamas without even closing the door or wearing her shoes.