Young master ya is the child's father

When she heard that Liancheng Yazhi was about to arrive, Rong Yan's heart skipped a beat and she immediately felt a lump in her throat. Many emotions wanted to come out, but she suppressed them one by one.

Liancheng Yazhi had chased her all the way here for her. When Rong Yan heard this at this moment and thought of the little life in her womb that had just been born for more than a month, she suddenly felt an unprecedented panic in her heart.

She was very lost now.

If it were her, she would have left without hesitation upon hearing the news.

But Hanhan was different now. She had a child, and Hanhan was the biggest problem in front of her.

The child was Liancheng Yazhi's, and he was the child's father. No matter what, he should know.

However, Rong Yan did not know how Liancheng Yazhi would react and what decision he would make after hearing the news.

Rong Yan struggled for a while. Looking at the simple design, she asked, " "Are you really going to let me go?"