you are not qualified

Old master Liancheng knocked on the door frame with his cane and scolded angrily, " if I don't come back, do I have to see you ruin the company and destroy the Liancheng family's hundred-year-old Foundation and the hard work of more than ten generations? how did the Liancheng family have such a good-for-nothing unfilial son like you? "

Rong Yan looked on coldly from the side. Although the old man's words seemed to be full of confidence, as if he was a strict father disciplining his disappointing son, Rong Yan could still see that he was worried and even a little afraid from his eyes that could pretend to be disappointed.

Rong Yan wanted to laugh in her heart. What exactly did Liancheng Yazhi do back then that he could still make the old master afraid in such an extremely dispirited situation?

Hmph, how good do you think you are? don't say this in front of me, you coward! Liancheng Yazhi curled his lips in disdain and sneered."You're not qualified!"