The old master's lover from back then

Mr. Liancheng was taken away by the ambulance just now. another reporter asked. may I know what happened? "

Secretary Zhou nodded and smiled. I'm old. I can't take any stimulation. It's normal to faint.

For the next few questions, Secretary Zhou pushed them aside.

At this moment, the reporters that old master Liancheng had invited had all become candidates to serve Secretary Zhou and Liancheng Yazhi.

Secretary Zhou spoke to the reporters for about seven to eight minutes before he left in a car.

in the car, secretary zhou loosened his tie and had an excited smile on his face. he had finally gotten back at the old man today. he felt great seeing the old man vomit blood in anger.

After the excitement, Secretary Zhou remembered that it was time to report to his boss.

He quickly called Liancheng Yazhi. young master ya, the old master won't covet the company anymore.