This is my daughter

Feng nongtang laughed and clapped his hands, but just as he was laughing, a serious voice suddenly sounded in his ear, " "If you like someone else's daughter, why don't you hurry up and give birth to your own?"

Feng nongtang's laughter came to an abrupt end. He turned to look at the person who spoke, and the smile on his face became stiff. He smiled awkwardly and said, " "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, you're here too, Yingluo!"

Feng nongtang's father was wearing a black suit and his hair was neatly combed. He was in his 60s and looked very serious. One look and you could tell that he was a person who rarely smiled. It was a little magical that his family could raise a Playboy like Feng nongtang. He and Feng nongtang did not look like father and son at all.

Father Feng nodded at Liancheng Yazhi. you have a wife and daughter all of a sudden. You're so lucky.

Liancheng Yazhi smiled and nodded at him. what uncle said. I also think that I'm very lucky.